While Creating templates, the table hearders can be repeated if the table fills beyond a single page by using the following instructions:

  1. Click on ‘Edit Template’ in the Document Management Add-In screen.

  2. In the Word document, click in/on the table that the header row should be changed to repeat. Then select ‘Table Layout’ at the top of the Word menu.

  3. Highlight the table row that will be considered the ‘Header’. Do not highlight the entire table or any field codes.

  4. In the ‘Table Layout’ menu, click on ‘Repeat Header Rows’.

  5. In the same menu, select ‘Properties’.

  6. Table Properties will show and in the section ‘Text Wrapping’, change the selection from ‘Around’ to ‘None’.

  7. Click ‘Ok’.

  8. Save the template changes by clicking on ‘Upload Template’.

Note: If this is an existing template and the name of the template is not changed then the changes will be saved over the previous version of the selected template.