In order to calculate Fuel Escalation for all project items in a contract:

  1. Within the contract menu, select the Fuel Escalation option.

  2. Start by selecting ‘Set’ under the Contract Info section.

  3. Enter the BFI (Base Fuel Index) and the range in which no adjustments will be made. Click on Save.

  4. Items impacted by Fuel Escalation will be automatically shown under the Items section, however, there is also the option to click on Add to select additional items. The auto-item entries can be edited or deleted as needed.

  5. To report on, and create calculations for the fuel escalation, click on ‘Add’ under the Reports section.

  6. Select the project, start and end dates, as well as the Current Fuel Index for the date range entered. Click on Save.

  7. Repeat step 6 for each project in the contract.

  8. Based upon the date and quantity of inspected transactions, for items listed/shown in step 4, the fuel cost adjustment will be determined.

  9. Click on Details next to the previously entered report to view the calculations, as well as the transactions, from the Item Record Account, that determined that calculation.

This can then be added to a payment by adding an adjustment or a backsheet.