Using Connex

Using Connex


With an update on December 20th, all contractor facing sites (including eAdvert and BidVAULT) will be consolidated into an updated ConneX site.  (The new ConneX URL will be https://connex.rtvision.com )

Contractors, consultants, suppliers, and other agencies will be able to utilize a single site, ConneX, to find publicly available contracts managed in OneOffice. Contractors can also still access contract information directly from the project owner’s OneOffice public dashboards, but will now also have the benefit of accessing the same information from ConneX.

After the update, agencies can continue to access the ConneX organization, user accounts, and bids without needing to make any changes or create new passwords or logins. Usernames are no longer used; please be sure to enter the email address tied to the account when logging in. The login is found by clicking on the person icon in the upper right corner of the ConneX site.

ConneX accounts are still free of charge and agencies do not need an account to be able to search for projects. However, an account will still be required to download plans, bid via BidVAULT, and interact as the winning contractor. Learn more about creating a ConneX account and how it can be used.




Searching for publicly available contracts/projects in planning:  These contracts/projects do not have a bid date set yet but information about upcoming projects was made available to the public for potential future plan holders.





Searching for publicly available contracts/projects in bidding:  These contracts have a bid date set and vendors can search by agency, location, items, work type, and other filters.  Click on ‘Details’ next to the contract to see more information about the project, including plans for many contracts.  If the contract is being bid within ConneX, click to start your online bid after downloading plans.





Viewing contract/projects that have been awarded, or are in construction: These contracts are filtered by all, those your agency bid on, and those your agency was awarded. For consultants using the site, any contracts that your agency has access to will be found under ‘My’ filter.



 Project Owner changes:

The only change for project owners is that single sign in is used for opening bids so users will sign in to OneOffice, but do not have to separately sign in to BidVAULT before opening bids. Project Owners can also now view the bid on BidVAULT without having to log in as a plan holder.

Additional functionality for using RFIs and Submittals have also been added.







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