Searching for Contracts Out for Bid (public)
You do not need an account to search for publicly available ‘Out for Bid’ contracts. Simply click on the icon for ‘Out for Bid Contracts’ and use the map and ‘Controls’ section to search for upcoming contract by:
bid opening date
contract type
item numbers/descriptions
work types
You can also zoom to a certain region on the map, to only show contracts that are visible in the map view. Click on ‘Zoom to all contracts’ to zoom out. Remove the checkbox if you wish to show all contracts, even if they are not visible in your current map view.
Click on ‘Details’ next to a contract to get more information.
Click on the ‘Controls’ header to expand or collapse the filter information. If filters are set, the user will see how many contractors are not visible due to the selected filters.
You will need to have an account in order to download plans from the ConneX site, or bid on a contract.