ConneX FAQ
RtVision Support
Melissa Girtz
A ConneX account is needed to:
Download plans
Approve documents
Bid online via BidVAULT
Submit and access RFIs
Submit and access Submittals
Review and complete Punch Lists
Your account can be used as a single sign on with any OneOffice site you are connected with.
ConneX accounts can also be used with OneGov online permits to:
Single Sign-On across all OneOffice and OneGov sites.
User accounts to share permit access within the same organization.
Manage assets for moving permit selection (ie trucks, axle configurations, trailers, etc…)
ConneX accounts are free. If you are bidding on a contract via BidVAULT, some agencies will charge to bid and you can buy credits for bidding, on the ConneX site.
When you click on ‘Log in with ConneX’, your account is automatically sync’d at that agency.
Your organization can have any number of user accounts underneath it. The name on each user account is what will show when an agency is selecting a user to approve documents and is also the name that will show on approved documents. New user accounts can be added by the organization administrator(s); or a user can request to 'join' an organization. If a request is made, the organization administrator(s) will be able to either accept or deny the request.
Only the 'founder' of an organization has the ability to delete an organization on ConneX. The 'founder' must first delete all user accounts that are part of the organization, and then can use the administrative tab labeled 'Founder Options' to remove the organization from ConneX.