Add Assets for use with OneGov Moving Permits

Add Assets for use with OneGov Moving Permits

Commonly entered fields for moving permits can be entered on ConneX and then selected when the user is filling a moving permit on OneGov. This greatly reduces the amount of time it takes to fill out a permit and also prevents data entry errors. Assets that can be added on ConneX include:

  • Axle Configuration

  • Overall Dimensions

  • Route

  • Trailer

  • Vehicle


To add assets:

  1. Go to your ‘Organization’ section under the user initials.

  2. Click on ‘Assets’ in the upper right corner of the page.

  3. Click on ‘Add’ next to any of the asset categories.

  4. As you are entering the information, a green checkmark will inform you if the entry is valid and by clicking on the clipboard at right, you can see which sites that field or data can be used at.

  5. Click ‘Save’.

  6. After saving, you will be redirected back to the Assets list where you can edit or delete previously added Assets.



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