Durations are used to set specific timelines for application dates, whether that be activation dates, expiration dates, dates when the application is ‘open for applying’ or ‘closed’, etc.
To create a Duration, follow these steps:
In Administration, select ‘App Groups’ (yours may say ‘Groups’)
Click ‘Manage’ next to the app group you are setting up the duration for
***Durations can be App Type specific, but they are set at the App Group level***
Select that tab across the top ‘Durations’
Durations are sorted by ‘Season’ or by ‘Day’
Season would be used for a scenario like campsite registrations that open May 1st and close Oct 1st, or Annual permit registrations from 1/1 through 12/31 of the year, etc
a Day would be used for a scenario like 'this registration is good for 1 year from the application date, meaning 365/366 days, and then it needs to be renewed (not calendar year related, but based on application dates)
Select Season or Day and click the blue “Add Duration” button
Name the duration and click save
Example for Campsite Registrations: “Park A Campsite Registrations”
Example for Moving Permits that are good for 1 year from application date: “Annual Move”
Click Season and follow the instructions here to continue: Adding a new season to an existing Duration
Note - you can add multiple seasons to start, or you can add them as they come. However, keep in mind, if you do NOT have an active season once the previous season ends, you will most likely see issues with applications and dates. It is recommended to add a few seasons to start and check on the dates annually for accuracy.
For Days, Click ‘Days’, click ‘Add Day’, add the information, and click save
Whether you added a Season or Day duration, you need to configure the App Type to ‘use the duration’
Navigate to the tabs at the top and select ‘App Types’
Click ‘Modify’ next to the App Type that the duration is for
Click ‘Step 9. Activation/Expiration’
Select your ‘Start Date Field’ and ‘End Date Field’
Click ‘Save & Exit’