Setting up a Rule

Setting up a Rule

  1. Click “Administration” under the “User” tab at the top of the page
  2. Click “App Groups” in the “General” section near the top of the page
  3. Click “Manage” next to the App. Group that the application you want to add a rule to
  4. Click "Manage" next to the application you want to add a rule
  5. Click "Rules" from the tabs near the top of the page
  6. Click "Add" near the top of the page
  7. Follow the guided interface to create a rule
    1. Name the rule
      1. Fill out the name field according to what you want the rule to do (ex. "Hide Additional Info Step")
      2. Add a description if needed
      3. Choose if this rule applies to all incoming applications or New or Renewed applications only
    2. Click "Continue"
    3. Choose which actions to execute
      1. If there are existing actions, you can choose to use those actions in this rule
        1. You can click "View" next to a rule to see what it does if the name is not descriptive enough
      2. If the action you need does not already exist, click "Add new action"
        1. Choose which action to execute from the drop down list that appear

        2. Depending on the action you choose, different options will appear to customize the action
          1. ex. hide/show field will prompt you to specify which field
        3. Once all customization options are filled, the "Name" field will show with an auto-generated name that you can change if you want
        4. Fill the description if you want
        5. Click "Save"
        6. The newly created action will be automatically added to the list of actions and will be selected
      3. If you need to add multiple rules, you can do that before moving on
    4. Select when the rule should be checked
      1. The options will vary based on the actions selected
        1. ex. Hide/show steps can be triggered when moving through steps
        2. ex. trigger fees can be triggered when the invoice step is shown
    5. Specify under what conditions the rule should be triggered
      1. Click "Add new condition"
      2. Choose a field from the drop down to compare a value against
      3. Choose a Comparison Method
        1. The options available will depend on the data type of the field selected
      4. If you choose anything other than "Value is blank" specify a comparison value
        1. If "value is equal" is chosen and the field chosen is a drop down or multi-select, you can choose the specific value of the field in the drop down
        2. If the chosen field is a text box, you can type in the value or number you want to compare to
      5. Click "Save"
    6. If you want to add multiple conditions, you can do so before saving the rule
      1. Note: if you add multiple conditions, all of the conditions must be met to trigger the rule
    7. Click "Save" to finish building the rule

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