Administration Customizations

Below is the general process for adding new areas in OneOffice. Please note, if just want to modify a menu or add a new field to an existing section, you can just go to that section.

The workflow includes:

  1. Adding a new table

  2. Adding fields to the new table

  3. Adding a page view for the data to be displayed

  4. Adding the page view to a menu so users can easily navigate to the page


If you intend to only modify or add a new field to an exisiting section/table, you can just see the section on ‘Adding Fields’.

If you want to modify a menu, you can skip to the section on ‘Adding Menus’.



Database Table and Field Changes

  1. In Administration, go to ‘Zones’.

  2. Select ‘Tables’ under the application in use (ie ‘OneOffice’). If the data will be related to a contract, then click on ‘Subtables’ in the Contract section.

  3. Add a new table if you would like to add a new section to OneOffice contract data. Otherwise, click on Fields’’ next to a table if you want to add or modify fields that currently exist in a table.

As a rule of thumb, the subtable name (under Contracts) generally matches the title of the section in the OneOffice Contract Menu.



Adding a Table

  1. Click on ‘Add’ a table.

  2. Enter the name of the table.

  3. Auto-generate the table name to create the database table name and the model name.

  4. If you want to be able to show updates from this table in the Audit report, enter ‘mayAudit’ into the flags section. You can also add other areas to have valid/invalid records, block deleting, and more. See the behavior and hook notes under flags.

  5. Click on ‘Save’. The page will refresh.

  6. Click on ‘Implement’ Table.



Adding a Field

  1. Click on ‘Options’, then select ‘Fields’ next to the table you wish to add a field to

  2. Click on ‘Add Field’, or if you want to modify a field, click on ‘Modify’ next to the field name.

  3. Enter the name of the field and a brief description of the field, if applicable.

  4. Auto-generate the ‘Database Column Name’, ‘Model Attribute Name’, and ‘Model Association Name’.

  5. Select the data type (options include):

    1. Text

    2. Date/Time

    3. File (single, multiple, with metadata)

    4. Numeric (ie ‘real 6 3’ means 6 numbers before decimal place, 3 numbers after

    5. Geolocation options

    6. Enum List (this is a single select drop down menu option) **If enum, add the values that are available in the enum list.

  6. Add behavior flags, if applicable (options and descriptions are outlined on the page). To add, type in the exact name of the flag listed and hit {Enter} on click on ‘Add to List’

  7. Click on ‘Save’

  8. Click on ‘Implement Field’.

**Choose one or multiple (assoc) needs to link to another table

Page View

  1. Go to Administration and select ‘Pages’

  2. Click on ‘Create Page’ or ‘Edit Page’ to view/modify a page. The name of the page will match what is found after the ‘.com’ in the URL of the page

    1. Page Path: typically oneoffice/contract/’model name of the table’ (you do not include ‘’)

    2. Precedence: this is if you are in multiple roles, it will help determine which page view you see first. A ‘1’ typically works to prioritize

    3. Role: what role should access the page

    4. App Name: select the application this page will be used in

    5. Layout: select the layout that you want to use on the page

    6. Menu(s): select one more menus that the page can be linked from

3. Click on ‘Add Component’

4. Select ‘table’ under ‘Select a Component. Typically a table will be needed, but you can add other banners and visual additions as well. It is recommended to bring up a similar page view to see the setup.

5. Select the table setup in the database under ‘Table’. You can start to type in the name to find and select the table.

6. Click on checkboxes for ‘Built in sort of table results’ and ‘Filterable table results’ to allow for sorting and filtering by columns in the table.

7. Click on ‘OK’


Add the page to specific menus

  1. Click on ‘Menus’ in Administration

  2. Select the menu name and role to see the menu specific to that role

  3. Click on the (+) under the column you want to add it to

  4. Add the label that will be shown on the menu, for the user to select

  5. If this will be a submenu that will only have links to other pages underneath, click on ‘submenu’; otherwise enter the link for the menu

**If contract specific, the link will be the same as the page view (oneoffice/contract/name of table), except you need to add {url.contract} before the name of the table so that it identifies the specific contract in the URL. /oneoffice/contract/{url.contract}/bid-entry Example: /oneoffice/contract/complaints?contract={url.contract}

6. Click ‘Save’.