Automatically Send the Weekly Diary to Contractor Accounts

The Weekly Diary document can be sent to select contractor accounts, for all documents created within a contract, even if the contractor does not need to approve the document.

To set up those contractor accounts that should be notified of the weekly diaries created:

  1. In the Contract Menu, select ‘Weekly Diary’.

  2. Click on the button to ‘Add Contractors to Notify’.

  3. Select one or more user accounts from the drop-down menu

    1. Any part of the name can be typed to find the contractor.

  4. Click on ‘OK’. If who should be notified needs to be changed these steps can be repeated to add or remove names.

Once a Weekly Diary document is created and approved, the contractor account(s) will automatically receive an email notification with the completed document attached.

Other users can still be added for individual documents when setting up approvals but the users selected here will show by default.