Record Material Tests

The Material Test section allows the user to record tests required per item, as well as individual test records. To record:

  1. In the Contract Menu, select ‘Material Testing’.

  2. Click on ‘Add Item’. (Optionally add Test Rules to auto-populate which items will require tests.)

  3. Select the item that will require tests and the number of tests required, then click on ‘Save’.

  4. To record tests for the select items, click on ‘Add Result’ next to the item.

  5. Select the test type, date recorded, pass/fail, as well as note the location the test was taken from and any relevant attachments. Click on ‘Save’. *(Noted locations can be shown on the Map reports).

  6. On the list of materials that require testing, optionally request that a material test be scheduled, by clicking on ‘Request’. This will allow the user to select the test type, and date/time to schedule. Please note that the test type options will be pulled from your Item Test Rule setup.

  7. Based upon the number of tests that have passed/failed, the count will be shown on the Material Test list. To view or edit test result details, click on ‘Show Details’ under the Test Results column.

  8. To edit or add an item acceptance, click on ‘Edit’ next to an item and record approval, compliance, and acceptance.