Automatically Publish Bid Abstract After Award

Once the contract is awarded, the bid abstract can be automatically published to the public dashboard. The bid abstract can be set up to include/exclude the engineer’s estimate, as well as show just the summary or the full abstract. Please note bids can also be manually published prior to award.

  1. Go to Administration and click on Packages

  2. Search for the package ‘configure-bid-view’

  3. Click on the button to ‘Configure’ the package. The first option is to determine what information should be shown to the public when the contract is awarded.

Next, configure how the bid abstract should be viewed:

  1. In Administration, select Packages.

  2. Click on ‘Configure’ next to the package for ‘oneoffice/configure-bid-view’

  3. Select ‘Yes’ under ‘Show link to bid abstract on /oneoffice/bidding/contract' and/or 'oneoffice/construction contract’ which adds a link to the full bid abstract before award (bidding phase) or only after award (construction phase)

  4. Select ‘yes’ under ‘Show % Over/Under column….’ in bidding, and/or in construction, depending upon the data that should be shared.

  5. Click on ‘Configure’ to update the selections.