Item Transactions

  1. In the Contract menu select the ‘Item Record Account’ tab.

  2. Select an Item to create a Transaction for.

    1. If there are multiple project in the contract, the ‘All Projects’ drop-down will include each project to limit the item table to only items for the project.

  3. Select ‘Transactions’.

  4. Select the ‘Add Transaction’ button.

  5. Enter the Date, Quantity, and Funding split for the item.

    1. If the funding split field does not show any funding splits as an option, item funding may not be setup.

  6. Select ‘Add Transaction’ to save.

  7. The ‘Quantities’ and ‘Funding’ tables will now update to included the added transaction.

  8. To add this transaction to a payment select the '+' button next to the transaction. If the payment is not currently open, this transaction will be auto added to the payment on creation.