Sync with ConneX

ConneX is a free site that vendors can use to create and manage organization and user accounts that can be sync’d with agencies OneOffice applications. Vendor accounts in OneOffice can be used to provide access to certain areas of the application for project management, plan download, document approval, and more.

Vendors will select the agencies they will need to access and each agency determines what type of role or access rights those agencies can have. The default role is an ‘authenticated user' which will only provide access to the public dashboard to download plans or to sign documents that the agency has sent a request for approval.


Sync’ing is done automatically; however the OneOffice agency can also manually sync vendors who have not yet requested access (typically in the event that document approval is required).

To manually sync a vendor from ConneX with your OneOffice site:

  1. Go to ‘home’.

  2. Click on ‘Admin’

  3. Click on ‘ConneX Sync’

  4. Select the vendor or organization that you would like to manually sync.