Engineering Projects

These are not used for Chemspro users. All projects for Chemspro will be under Maintenance Projects.

Engineering Projects are used for engineers to track time. There are different templates to follow for different projects or a single template for all. Each template can have phases to break out tasks for example Preliminary, Construction, Surveying activity, or any other phases desired. For NewRoads users, these would be projects/jobs that use your 2X accounts.

Manually adding:

  1. While in ‘Administration’ select the ‘Projects’ tab.

  2. Click the blue ‘Add Project’ button.

  3. Fill in the ‘Project Number’ field. Examples below:

    1. SAP ####

    2. SP ####

    3. CP ####

    4. MP ###

  4. Fill in the ‘Project Description/Location’.

    1. Typically the description/location is a name the employee would recognize if they do not know the project number but it can be anything.

  5. Optional: ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’, these are only for reference when looking at this project screen.

  6. The ‘Project Types’ field can be used to note different types of projects on this screen. This does not display anywhere else in the application.

  7. Select if the project ‘Is Billable’.

  8. Select the ‘Customer’

    1. A N/A customer can be set up if a customer is not applicable by following these instructions if one is not already available.

  9. Select the ‘Engineering Template’

    1. Activities will be available for engineering projects based on the activities linked to the engineering template the project uses.

    2. If a template is not selected the project will show in the ‘Maintenance Projects’ section for time entries.

  10. Under ‘Materials for this project’ select the application materials that will be used. Reference Asset Management Guide.

  11. Select the ‘Funding Source’ for this project

    1. If exporting to NewRoads, the ‘Job Code’ will need to be entered in the ‘Job Number’ field next to the applicable funding source(s).

  12. Select any ‘Group/Teams’ that this project will only be applicable for. If this is left blank it will be visible to all.

  13. Click ‘Add this Project’ to save.