Importing Custom Time Off Type/Time Off Balances and Accruals

After creating a custom or a new time-off type the Time Off Balances import can be customized to bring in each time-off type for the Time Off Report.

Importing Time Off Balances:

  1. While in ‘Administration’, click on the ‘Import’ tab, then select ‘Time Off Starting Balances’.

  2. The application's Time Off Types that are marked ‘Show on Time Off Report’ will show.

  3. Select or de-select each Time Off time Type.

    1. Those that are selected will be a required column for import.

  4. Be sure to have a column for employee number, effective date, and comments, then the remaining columns will be custom based on the time-off types that are being imported.

  5. Browse and select the file, then upload the file to create new time off starting balances for employees to view on the Time Off Report.

Importing Time Off Accruals/Earnings:

  1. While in ‘Administration’, click on the ‘Import’ tab, then select ‘Time Off Starting Earnings’.

  2. The application's Time Off Types that are marked ‘Show on Time Off Report’ will show.

  3. Select or de-select each Time Off time Type.

    1. Those that are selected will be a required column for import.

  4. Be sure to have a column for employee number, effective date, and comments. Those columns/fields marked as optional will still require a column for that field but may be left blank if you do not intend to upload information for that field.

  5. The remaining columns will be custom based on the time-off types that are being imported.

  6. Browse and select the file, then upload the file to create new time off starting earnings for employees to view on the Time Off Report.