Requesting to work at an Alternative Work Site using the "Request for Time" feature.

With many agencies having employees working from home and in the office, there is now the option to have employees request to work from an ‘alternative work site’ using the ‘Request for Time’ feature in TimeBasic.

The process is very similar to requesting time off, however, they will simply be requesting to work from home (or an alternative site).

  1. There will need to be an individual Pay Code for this working type. (Example below).

    1. Verify that the ‘Time Type’ is set to ‘Working Hours’ and not Time Off. Also, ensure that the ‘Show in Request for Time' is set to ‘Yes’.

Pay Code Setup Example

2. Assign this code to employees who would have this option for working from home/alternative sites.

3. Navigate to the ‘Request for Time’ area:

Time Menu

4. The ‘Alternative Work Site’ pay code should now display.

5. Begin allowing employees to request to work from an alternative site for future pay periods, similarly to requesting time off.

6. When a request is approved, the time will show up on the timecard just like a time off pay code would, with a highlighted cell and the time auto-filled.



Alternative Work Site requests was brought to our attention by Mille Lacs County, MN. Thank you for the innovative idea, MLC!