New Labor Codes

Additional Labor Codes can be added to the application.

  1. While in ‘Administration’ select the ‘Labor Codes’ tab.

  2. Click ‘Add Labor Code’.

    1. The available fields will vary slightly depending on the export(s) that are used in the application.

  3. Enter the ‘Labor Code Name’.

    1. The employee will not see this labor code. It can be named whatever makes the most sense to administration.

  4. Enter the ‘Labor Code’.

    1. This will be the Labor Code that will be sent over to the Cost Accounting application when exported.

  5. Add the ‘Payroll Code’.

    1. This will be called ‘Pay Code’ or named something related to a specific payroll application.

    2. This also may or may not be different from the Cost Accounting Code.

  6. Set the ‘Payroll Multiplier’.

    1. This will be used for the ‘Project Time Report’.

    2. The multiplier can be sent for some Labor Codes for some specific exports. Email RtVision Support for details on specific exports.

  7. Set the ‘Billable Multiplier’.

    1. This is used for ‘Road and Bridge’ reports.

    2. These are set up under the ‘Multiplier Codes’ tab. (Select the ‘Billable Multiplers’ link)

  8. Select if the Labor Code is unpaid.

    1. ‘Yes’, this code will not export.

    2. ‘No', this code will export.

  9. Select if the Labor Code should be ‘Excluded from Totals’.

    1. ‘Yes’, the hours entered would not be added to the timesheet totals, but displayed under the totals row for reporting only.

      1. This might be used for FMLA, Dollar Type reimbursements, Unpaid leaves, etc...

    2. ‘No’, The Labor Code hours will be added to the daily/pay period totals on the timesheet.

  10. Some exports allow Dollar Amounts, if allowed, you will see the Dollar Amount option.

    1. ‘Yes’, will make the Labor Code Excluded from Totals by default and allow the employee to enter the dollar value instead of hours.

  11. Select if the Labor Code ‘Qualifies for Shift Differentials’.

  12. Select if the Labor Code should be an option on the ‘Request for Time’ form.

  13. Select ‘Add this Labor Code’ to save.

Link the Labor Code to Hours Types or Activity Overhead Codes to be used on a timesheet:

  • Hours Types:

    • These are the selections on the timesheet when filling out a normal entry. Regular, Overtime, Comp Earned, and Holidays (worked) are common examples for this area.

  • Activity Overhead Codes:

    • These are the selection options for Other types of time, usually, Time Off, Meetings/Training, and Holidays (not worked) are common examples for this area