Bidder Instructions
Support (Unlicensed)
Melissa Girtz
You must first be a plan holder before you can begin bidding on a project. To become a plan holder, click on the ‘Full Ad and Plan’s or click on the Files. This will bring you to the project dashboard where the plans are located. You will be able to see other project information, including the plan holder list from the project dashboard. You will need a ConneX login in order to become a plan holder.
After beginning a bid, an encryption key will be generated and will pop- up allowing you to download the key.
If you do not see the key download in your browser, you may also click on ‘Export Bid Key’.
This key will be needed to access your encrypted bid. It will be saved to your browser cache to make it easier to access the bid from your computer. However, you will want to save the bid key to keep until the project opening is complete.
If other users need to access the bid, please share this encryption key with those users as well. To see more about bid encryption and why it is necessary, click here.
Use the guided interface to fill out the required sections. As each section is completed, a check mark will be shown. The bid will automatically save every minute but you can also click on ‘Save’.
The bid opening date/time is noted. The total bid value also is shown. If you need to download your bid key again, you can click on ‘Export Bid Keys'.
You must check that you have received an addendum, in bidVAULT, even if you have already completed your bid and/or downloaded the file.
A notification will be sent to make you aware of any posted addendum. If items are impacted by the addendum, you will see those items noted on the addenda and will also see any edited or added items hi-lighted in the bid entry section. Items in blue have been added or modified, while items in red have been removed so you will not be able to enter a unit price for that item.
Project owners can request documents to be filled out and approved electronically, or they can request documents to be uploaded.
To upload information, click on the ‘Add documents here’ and browse to select a file. You may add multiple files. Last, click on ‘Upload’ to attach the documents. The necessary documents will be listed under ‘Required Documents'.
To fill out an electronic document, enter information into the hi-lighted field entry areas, before clicking the ‘Sign’ button.
*Please note that required fields (hi-lighted in orange) must be entered before you can sign the document. Fields in yellow are optional to populate and will not require entry.