Adding favorite reports to the project menu

Creating ‘favorite’ reports for your agency helps to quickly create reports and display data results without needing to make the same report builder selections.

To create a favorite or bookmarked report and add it to the Project Budget Report Menu for future selection:

  1. Use the report builder to generate a frequently utilized report.

  2. Click on ‘Add’ after the report selections are made.

  3. Click on ‘Copy Link’.

  4. Navigate to the Admin Menu.

  5. Click on ‘Menus’.

  6. Select ‘Cip-budget’ for the menu name

  7. Select ‘cip’ for the role.

  8. Click on the green + symbol within the Reports submenu and give your report a name in the ‘Label’ field.

  9. Paste the link from step 3 into the ‘Link’ field

    1. Remove the part of the link prior to ‘/cip’. In the example link, ‘’ would be removed.

    2. Where the link includes the budget= X, replace the number with {url.budget] so instead of budget=14 it is changed to budget={url.budget}


  10. Click on ‘Save’, to save the link to the menu.

  11. Optionally use the dots to drag and drop the menu options to sort in the preferred order.

  12. Click on ‘Save’ in the upper right corner to save the menu changes.