New Year Setup

Make sure your agency is ready for the new year by setting up the pay periods and pay period accruals.

Pay Periods:

From Administration, click on the ‘Pay Periods’ tab.

  1. Click the link ‘Pay Period Generator Utility’.

  2. Choose the starting number for the pay periods.

    1. This number can be reset every year if desired

    2. By default, the application will use the day following the last pay period in the application for the ‘Start Date of first Pay Period to be Generated’. This can be changed if needed.

  3. Enter the ‘Number of Days in each Pay Period’. 7 for weekly, 14 for biweekly.

  4. Enter the ‘Number of Pay Periods to Generate’.

  5. Click ‘Generate Pay Periods’.

Pay Periods Accruals:

This determines the dates for Time Off to be based on. Without setting this up, the time off will be based on a Jan 1 - Dec 31 range instead of by pay periods.

From Administration, click on the ‘Pay Periods Accruals’ Tab.

  1. Click ‘Add Pay Periods Accrual’.

  2. Enter the ‘Accrual Year’.

  3. Select the starting pay period for the accrual year.

  4. Select the ending pay period for the accrual year.

  5. Click ‘Add this Pay Period Accrual’.

Time Off Balances:

Time off balances will automatically roll over after the first pay period of the new year is complete. If adjustments are made prior to this, the new balance will not automatically generate.

PayStub (only applicable for Paymate customers):

Note: the date ranges are set differently than the Pay Period accruals above.

This determines the pay year for PayStub.

From Administration, under the ‘Pay Stub’ section select ‘Pay Periods Accruals’.

  1. Click ‘Add Pay Periods Accrual’.

  2. Enter the ‘Accrual Year’.

  3. Enter the ‘First Pay Period End Date of the Year’.

  4. Enter the ‘Last Pay Period End Date of the Year’.

  5. Click ‘Add this Pay Period Accrual’.