Importing Information
There are multiple ways you can import data into OneGov. These jobs can be set up as one-time imports or scheduled to run on a regular basis. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for various common types of imports available.
Import a CSV file from an ftp, http, https site:
Click "Customizer" under the "User" Tab
Click "Data Import" in the "Jobs" Section
Click "Add"
Fill out the Data Import setup
Step 1: "Basic"
Name of Job
Enter a descriptive name for the job
Choose CSV or other delimited format
Step 2: "File Retrieval"
File Retrieval Method
Choose "Pull from ftp, http, or https site"
Step 3: "File Location"
File Location
specify the ftp, http, or https location of file, directory, or zipped file
File Location Name
If location specified is a directory or zipped file, enter the name of the file inside
Only required if:
The file does not end in expected extension (csv)
There are multiple files with that extension
The file is in a subdirectory
Step 4: "Site Username/Password"
Site Username
If the file is a password protected site, you can specify the username here
Site Password
If the file is a password protected site, you can specify the password here
Step 5: "Zip Password"
Zip Password
If the file is a password protected zipped directory, you can specify the password here
Step 6: "CSV Format"
Other Delimiter
If the file is delimited by something other than a comma, specify the delimiter here
If text values that contain the delimiter are enclosed by something other than a double-quote, specify the symbol here
How text values escape the Enclosure character
Ex. using [ " ] for both the Enclosure or Escape, John "Jimbo" Doe would appear as "John ""Jimbo"" Doe" in the file
Check your file; other drivers and exports may escape with backslash [ \ ] instead.
Has Header Row
Specify Yes if first row is headers. Will use to name columns in generated table
Step 7: "Target"
Work Area/Target
This is the name of the table that the import will write the records to
The table is automatically named according to the title of the job in step 1: "Basic" but you can edit it if you would like
Choose if you want to overwrite the table every time the sync is run
A scenario where you might want to append is if the source only has changes / new data
Step 8: "Schedule"
If you want to have this job run on a regular basis, you can specify a schedule on this step
Schedule the job to run on a specific day or days by selecting a day of the week in the "When" column and a time in the "Time" column. Click "Add another row" if you want this job to run on multiple days
Select "Finish of Job" in the "When" column if you want the end of another job to trigger the start of this job. Select which job should trigger this one in the "Job" column
If another job is scheduled to run after the finish of this job, it will be listed under the schedule table
Step 8: "Review and Execute"
If everything in the previous steps is set up correctly, an "execute" button will be available to press which will trigger the job to run immediately
There will also be an option to run any jobs that are scheduled to run after this job. The text next to the checkbox will list the number of jobs that are triggered by this job
Click "Execute" to run the job. The page will refresh and a link to the results page will be displayed
Click "Save & Exit"
Import an ESRI Shapefile from an upload:
Under ‘Customizer’ select the ‘Data Import’ tab located under the ‘Jobs’ grouping.
Click ‘Add’.
Fill out the Data Import setup
Step 1: "Basic"
Name of Job: Enter a descriptive name for the job.
Choose the format of the incoming data
Current choices include the following ESRI Shapefile
Step 2: "File Retrieval"
File Retrieval Method
Choose "Upload Here"
Step 3: "File Location"
File Location
This field is disabled for the Upload option
File Location Name
If the file you are uploading is a directory or zipped file, enter the name of the file inside
Only required if:
The file does not end in expected extension (shp)
There are multiple files with that extension
The file is in a subdirectory
Step 4: "Zip Password"
Zip Password
If the file is a password protected zipped directory, you can specify the password here
Step 5: "Target"
Work Area/Target
This is the name of the table that the import will write the records to
The table is automatically named according to the title of the job in step 1: "Basic" but you can edit it if you would like
Choose if you want to overwrite the table every time the sync is run
A scenario where you might want to append is if the source only has changes / new data
Specify the number of dimensions for any geometry in the source.
Mimic Precision
If Width/Scale/Precision data is available from the source, set this to "Yes" to mimic that in the field types of the target table
Step 6: "Review and Execute"
A file upload on this step allows the source file to be uploaded
The zip file can be uploaded here.
If everything in the previous steps is set up correctly, an "execute" button will be available to press which will trigger the job to run immediately
There will also be an option to run any jobs that are scheduled to run after this job. The text next to the checkbox will list the number of jobs that are triggered by this job
Click "Execute" to run the job. The page will refresh and a link to the results page will be displayed
Click "Save & Exit"