User Management Tabs

New employee/user account setup can be completed in the ‘User Accounts’ tab under the ‘General’ section of administration in TimePlus. This article is going to provide a detailed explanation of each step in ‘User Management’.

Click the blue ‘Add User’ button.

  1. Basic tab

    1. Enter the ‘User ID'

      1. This is what the employee will use to log into the application.

    2. Enter the ‘Email Address'

      1. This field is required and must be unique, the email entered can only be used for a single employee. If the employee truly does not have an email address to use, something else that is unique can be entered into this field. For example, if ‘John Doe does not have an email' is entered it will satisfy the field.

    3. Enter the employee's name.

    4. ‘Show in Asset Management'

      1. This option shows the employee’s historical data in asset management and road & bridge reports even after the employee has been disabled from logging in or tracking time.

    5. ‘Show in Timecard’

      1. This creates a timesheet for the employee to enter their time in. This can be set to ‘No’ for any employee that would need the ability to login and view reports, or export payroll, but does not need to track time.

    6. ‘User may only access Timecard’

      1. This setting limits the employee to only the ‘Timecard’ area of the application. They will not be allowed to have administrative or reporting rights if they are selected.

    7. Click ‘Next>’.

  2. Membership tab

    1. ‘This user is a member of these Groups’

      1. These are the default groups that an employee can be a part of. These groups can be viewed outside of user account setup by navigating to the General: ‘Group Accounts’ tab in administration.

    2. ‘This user has these Privileges’

      1. Privileges can be set up to have any combination of access to Admin, Export, and Reports. Privileges can be added to this list by navigating to the Timecard User: ‘Privileges’ tab in administration.

    3. 'This user is a member of these Group/Teams'

      1. Department(s) can be divided up into groups and teams. Additional Group/Teams can be added by navigating to the Timecard User: ‘Group/Teams’ tab in administration.

    4. Click ‘Next>’.

  3. Timecard Info tab

    1. ‘Accounting Employee Number’

      1. The Employee Number and the Accounting Employee Number can be the same. If they are different numbers in Payroll versus the Cost Accounting application used then separate numbers can be entered.

    2. ‘Date Employed’

      1. The calendar can be used to enter the date employed, or the date can be manually entered. If manually typing in the date verify the date has a two-digit month, a two-digit day, and a four-digit year. Example: 01/05/2017

    3. ‘Termination Date’

    4. ‘Regularly Scheduled Hours Per Day’

      1. This is the number of hours the employee normally works in a day. This is used in the application if it is set up to automatically apply overtime or comp earned to an employee’s timesheet.

    5. ‘Regularly Scheduled Hours Per Pay Period’

      1. This is the number of hours the employee normally works in an entire pay period. This is used in the application if it is set up to automatically apply overtime or comp earned to the employee's timesheet.

    6. ‘Compensation Accrual Type’

      1. These are the options that are available for selection when automatically applying overtime or comp earned to an employee's timesheet.

        1. Leaving blank: This will allow the employee to choose between comp earned and overtime. The employee would need to manually add the compensation hours to their timesheet in this situation. The blank options can also be selected if the employee needs to pick and choose the time entry that compensation hours apply to, instead of the system automatically applying to one for the employee.

        2. Accrue By Day: With accrual by day, any compensation hours, over the regularly scheduled amount per day, will be placed on the last created entry on that day.

        3. Accrue By Day and Week: With this setting compensation hours will apply to days over the regular hours per day OR it will apply to the end of the week if individual days do not exceed the regular but the regular for a week (1/2 Regular hours per pay period) is exceeded.

          1. Example: If the employee works the regular number of hours each day, M-F, but then works on a Saturday, too. Saturday's hours would be converted to compensation hours.

        4. Accrue By Day and Pay Period: With this setting compensation hours will apply to days over the regular hours per day OR it will apply to the end of the pay period if individual days do not exceed the regular but the regular for a pay period is exceeded.

          1. Example: If the employee works the regular number of hours each day, M-Saturday in week 1, then regular hours Monday - Friday in week 2. Compensation hours would be applied to Friday of week 2.

        5. Accrue By Week: With accrual by week, any compensation hours, over the regularly scheduled amount per week, will be placed on the last day worked in that week.

        6. Accrue By Pay Period: With accrual by pay period, any compensation hours, over the regularly scheduled amount per pay period, will be placed on the last day worked in that pay period.

    7. ‘Compensation Hours Type’

      1. Select the type of compensation the employee will automatically receive.

    8. Click ‘Next>’.

  4. Timecard Approvals tab

    1. Select the employees that this employee will be able to approve in Timecard.

      1. If the employee will be allowed to sign the supervisor section of the timesheet, select the name of the employees they will approve from the provided list.

      2. Do not select the employee name for the employee that is currently being set up, unless they would be able to sign their own timesheet as the supervisor.

    2. Click ‘Next>’.

  5. Timecard Reviewals tab

    1. This is read-only access.

      1. Select the employees the employee will be able to review, not approve, in TimeCard.

    2. Click ‘Next>’.

  6. Actions tab

    1. ‘Temporary Password:’

      1. A temporary password for the employee may be set here.

    2. Select if the employee should be notified via email regarding the change.

    3. Click the ‘Set temporary password button'.

      1. Clicking ‘Save & Exit' or ‘Save & Refresh’ does not update the password.

    4. Click ‘Save & Exit’.