Time Off Calendar Setup

The Time Off Calendar shows which employees have time off from a calendar view. This can be from a direct entry to the timesheet or through a request for time off. The Time Off Calendar can be accessed from the ‘Select Function’ menu on the timesheet and is accessible for supervisors and administrations. Each agency can optionally make it available for employees to view/access as well.

To Enable the Time Off Calendar:

  1. While in ‘Administration’ select the ‘System Settings’ tab.

  2. Find the field name ‘TIME_OFF_CALENDAR_FOR_EMPLOYEES’

    1. This setting disables/enables for employee view. Otherwise, only supervisors/payroll will be able to view the report.

Set Time Off Type Calendar Colors:

  1. While in ‘Administration’ select the ‘Time Off Types’ tab.

  2. Select ‘Modify’ next to the Time Off Type and set the ‘Calendar Highlight Color’ field.

    1. If a color is not selected, the Time Off Type will not appear on the Time Off Calendar.

  3. Click ‘Modify this Time Off Type’ to save.