Adding/Removing Transactions from Payment

Once a payment has been created individual transactions can be added or removed from the payment if the payment is not completed, or is still open. A payment is considered ‘open’ if the ‘completed date’ and ‘completed by’ fields are not filled out.

  1. Navigate to the Item Record account section and select the item that needs to either add or remove transactions from the open payment.

  2. After clicking on an item, and selecting ‘Transactions’, there will be a header to note that there is an open payment.

    1. If there is no header stating that there is an open payment navigate back to the payment and remove the 'complete by' and 'completed date' information for the latest payment.

  3. For any transactions that were added to the most recent (and open) payment, there will be a ‘remove from payment’ button next to the transaction to remove that individual entry from the payment.

    1. The date of the transaction does not need to be changed. The next payment will pull in this removed entry if the payment ‘up through’ date includes this date.

  4. If an additional transaction needs to be added to the open payment, click ‘Add Transaction’. After it is added click the ‘Add to Payment’ button to add this entry to the open payment.