Integrate Payment Data into New Roads

Payment data can be exported from OneOffice and imported/uploaded into New Roads to create purchases. The default integration is to use a CSV file to upload into New Roads. This option can be found and installed in the ‘Packages’ section of Administration.

The other option is to install a Client application that will provide secure access to pull information from OneOffice and integrate into NewRoads, regardless of whether OneOffice is installed on AWS or locally on the agency’s virtual server.

  1. Fill out the 'New Roads Number' (project number) for each project in the contract by going to the ‘Contract & Project Details’ section, and clicking on ‘Edit’ next to each project.

  2. Enter the ‘New Roads Number’, then click on ‘Save’.

  3. On the Contract Menu, click on Funding, then ‘Funding Sources’.

  4. Make sure that the ‘Funding Source Number’ has the corresponding New Roads subproject code (job number) setup.

  5. Create and approve the payment.

  6. From the Payments section, click on ‘Details’ next to the payment you wish to export to New Roads.

To use the New Roads export to CSV:

  1. Click on the button ‘ACS Export'. This will open a file that should be downloaded and then uploaded into New Roads.'

To use the API integration into New Roads:

  1. Go to:

  2. Run the file ('Latest.exe')  This would need to be run on any computers that will need to have access to integrate payments from OneOffice into New Roads.

  3. Open the newly installed RTVision client app and log in with your OneOffice login information

  4. Enter your site URL (example:, enter the DSN, and user/pass in the package for New Roads. Note, you must enter 'DSN=” to prefix the DSN name.

  5. Follow the prompts to select a completed payment and export.

Please note, prior to using API integration into New Roads, login and permissions should be set up first.