Add a New App. Type

Add a New App. Type

These instructions are for adding a new App. Type (Application or Permit). Examples include Oversize Move, Site Use, Restrictive Layer, etc.

How to Navigate to App. Types:

  1. Under the ‘User’ tab select ‘Administration’.

  2. Under the ‘General’ section select ‘App. Groups'.

  3. Click ‘Manage’ next to the App. Group that the ‘App. Type’ will be part of.

  4. Click ‘Add’.

App. Type Management Form:

  1. Basic

    1. Enter the name of the App Type.

    2. Optional: Add a ‘Description’.

    3. Choose an App. Base

      1. Typically choose 'Applications'.

    4. Choose an Access Option:

      1. The default, ‘Show on Index w/o login’, will allow users that do not have a login to be able to see this App. Group.

      2. ‘Always check Access Control List’: If this App. Group should only be visible to users with the proper Access Rights (Employees, Users with a login)

    5. Choose an Access Control List Option

      1. Choose "Any User Write" for logged-in users to be able to start an application.

  2. Additional

    1. Disable or name the Terms and Conditions step

      1. Clicking ‘Disable Terms’ will change the field to ‘DISABLED’ and will prevent the Terms and Conditions step from showing on the application.

    2. Disable or name the Invoice step

      1. Clicking ‘Disable Charges’ will change the field to ‘DISABLED’ and will prevent the Invoice step from showing on the application as well as disable fees on the application.

    3. Choose ‘y/n’ for ‘Must do steps in order’

      1. Choosing "Yes" will force the applicant to fill out all required fields on a step before moving on to the next.

      2. Choosing "No" will allow the applicant to jump between steps but will still force all required fields to be filled before submitting the application.

    4. Choose a signature option

      1. Options include Digital and Manual signatures:

        1. Digital provides more information about who signed and when.

        2. Manual Signatures provide only a line for a physical signature when the application is printed.

      2. Digital signatures include options to Lock or Audit

        1. Digital + Lock options will lock fields from edits if a signature exists.

        2. Digital + Audit options may allow edits but turn the signature red.

  3. Configuration

    1. Choose if an application can be copied:

      1. Helpful when an applicant is often filled out numerous times with only minor changes each time.

      2. The applicant is able to choose to copy one of their existing applications to pull information from that application to a new one.

    2. Choose if an application can be renewed:

      1. Primarily used for applications that have an expiration.

    3. Choose if the application has a duration:

      1. Used to set the length of time an application is valid.

  4. Section Fields

    1. Enter the name of the first section of the application:

      1. The typical first step is ‘Applicant Information'.

      2. Choose Access Control List

        1. Typically "Author Write, Employee Write" so that the only people who can edit the application are the person who started the application and employees

      3. Click ‘Add First Section’.

  5. Breadcrumbs:

    1. Select the field to show in the Breadcrumbs.

  6. Notification

    1. If there are any existing fields with a base data type of Contact Information or Email Address there is the option to choose to send notifications to the email addresses included in those fields alongside the applicant's email.

  7. Number Sequences

    1. Choose a number sequence for the App # if the App # should be set automatically.

    2. Choose a number sequence for the Permit # if the Permit # should be set automatically.


    1. Choose which terms are applicable to this App. Type

  9. Optional: Activation / Expiration

    1. Select the Start and End Date fields.

  10. Click ‘Save & Exit’.

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