Adding a Field to a Section

Adding a Field to a Section

These instructions detail how to add a new field to an existing section in an application.

How to Navigate to a Section: This is where the field can be added:

  1. Under the ‘User’ tab select ‘Administration’.

  2. Under the ‘General’ section select ‘App. Groups'.

  3. Select ‘Manage’ next to the App. Group that contains the ‘App Type’ that the additional field is being added to.

  4. Click ‘Manage’ next to the App Type.

  5. The page will now display all sections for that App Type. Select ‘Fields’ next to the section where the new field is being added.

  6. Click ‘Add'.

Section Field Management Form:

  1. Basic

    1. Ensure that the ‘Section’ drop-down is displaying the appropriate section name.

      1. If ‘Add’ is selected within a specific section, this field will automatically display that particular section's name.

    2. The ‘Position in Section’ drop-down can be used to determine where the field is positioned in relation to the existing fields in that section.

      1. The field is positioned after the field chosen in the drop-down.

      2. Note: The required fields must be filled out and the ‘Save this field’ button clicked before the application allows the position to be moved to something other than ‘End’.

    3. Enter a unique name for the field.

      1. This is the name the field will be saved as in the database.

      2. It is recommended to stick to a naming convention for the unique fields since the name has to be unique sitewide.

        1. A frequently used naming convention is to use an abbreviated version of the application name as a prefix to the field name, Example: CUP Applicant Info

      3. If a unique name already exists in the database, a red error banner will appear and the unique field will have red text below saying: This Unique Name is already used by another record. Please try another.

    4. Enter a label for the field.

      1. This is the text that will show next to the field on the application

    5. Choose the data type

      1. There are a number of existing fields that are available to choose from but custom ones can also be created.

    6. Choose whether or not the field will be required.

      1. If a field is not required, the applicant may choose to leave the field blank

    7. Choose an Access Control List Option

      1. "Default/Author Write, Employee Write" will allow the person who started the application and employees to be able to fill out this field

  2. Description & Documentation

    1. Optional: Add an Extended Description.

      1. This will display additional information about the field under the field.

    2. Optional: Add a Hovering Description/Tooltip.

      1. This will add a blue question mark next to the field that will display additional information upon hovering over.

    3. Optional: External Document.

      1. This will allow you to display a link to any external documents you want to show next to this field

  3. Value

    1. Choose whether or not to lock the value when the application is signed:

      1. If Yes, the field will be read-only after signature, even if access control grants Write access.

  4. Preview / Set Default

    1. If a default val