Setting up Registrations

Setting up Registrations

The registration feature enables the site to require or recommend that the applicant fill out a registration that holds insurance or other information related to a particular application within OneGov.

For any questions on this guide, please contact support@rtvision.com.

Check that the Registration Base type is available

  1. Click "Administration" under the "User" tab
  2. Click "App. Bases" in the "General" section
  3. Look for a row named "Registrations"
    1. If this row is not present, add a new row that matches the one shown below

Create the registration group

These steps will create a new App. Group that will contain the different registrations in the site.

  1. Click "App. Groups" in the "General" Section
  2. Click "Add"
  3. Fill out Section 1: "Basic"
    1. Name: Name the registration group
      1. Ex. "Registrations"
    2. Contact Information (optional): Any information entered here will show on the submitted registrations
    3. Sort Option: Choose the default sort option on the dashboard
    4. Access Option: Choose how the registration should show on the index page
      1. Show on Index w/o login: This option will have the registration group show on the index page even if the user isn't logged in
      2. Always show Access Control list: This option will check to make sure the user has access to the registration group before showing and will only show if the user does have access
    5. Access Control: Choose who can access this registration group
      1. Typically set to "User (Require Login)" which means that anyone who is logged in is able to access the registration group
      2. App Status Setup: Choose DEFAULT/EXAMPLE
    6. App Base: Choose "Registrations"
  4. Click "Save & Exit"

Create a registration

These steps will add a new registration the the newly created app group. Multiple registrations can be added to a single app group.

  1. Click "App. Groups" in the "General" Section
  2. Click "Manage" next to the App group that you want to add the registration to
  3. Click "Add"
  4. Fill out the first page of the setup: "Basic"
    1. "Name"
      1. Ex. "Moving Permit"
    2. Description (Optional)
    3. App. Base
      1. Choose "Registrations"
    4. Access Option
      1. Choose "Show on Index w/o login; Show option to Add New w/o login"
    5. Access Control
      1. Click the check boxes in the "DEFAULT/User (Require Login)" row
  5. Fill out the second page of the setup: "Additional"
    1. Name of Terms
      1. If you have terms and conditions you would like to display to the applicant at the end of this registration, leave this field at it's default
      2. If you do not want terms to show, click "Disable Terms"
    2. Name of Provisions
      1. Leave at it's default
    3. Name of Invoice Step
      1. If there is a charge associated with registering, leave this field at it's default
      2. If there is no charge associated, click " Disable Charges"
    4. Must do steps in order
      1. If you want the applicant to fill out all information on the step they are on before they move on to the next, change this field to yes
      2. Even if this field is set to no, the applicant will still be forced to fill out all fields marked as required before they submit the application
    5. Signatures
      1. Leave this field at it's default
  6. Fill out the third page of the setup: "Configuration"
    1. Can Copy
      1. Leave this set to "No"
    2. Can Renew
      1. If you want the applicant to renew their application once it expires, set this to yes
      2. If you want the applicant to fill out a completely new application once it expires, set this to no
    3. Duration
      1. Add a new duration so that the start and end date for the registration can be selected
        1. Click "(manage options - durations set up for the App. Group)
        2. In the new tab, click "By Day" below the "Add Duration" button
        3. Click "Add By Day Duration"
        4. Name the duration
        5. Click "Add this By Day Duration"
        6. Go back to the previous tab from step 1
        7. Click "Save & Refresh"
        8. In the duration drop down, select the duration you just created
    4. Registration Warn/Prevent
      1. Leave blank for now
  7. Fill out the fourth step of the setup: "Section Fields"
    1. First section
      1. Enter what you want the name of the first section of the application to be
      2. Ex. "Applicant Info" or "Registration Info"
    2. Click "Add First Section"
    3. Click "Next"
  8. You can skip the next step and fill out the last step: Activation/Expiration"
    1. Start Date Field
      1. Choose "Date Approved"
    2. End Date Field
      1. Leave the End Date field blank for now. Once we put the insurance expiration date field in the application, we will choose that field here
  9. Click "Save & Exit"

Add fields to the registration

  1. Click "App. Groups" in the "General" Section
  2. Click "Manage" next to the App group that the registration is in
  3. Click "Manage" next to the registration
  4. Click "Fields" next to the first section
  5. Click "Add"
  6. Fill out the first step: "Basic"
    1. Section
      1. Should be defaulted to the current section but you can choose which section the field is added to if there are multiple
    2. Position in Section
      1. Specify where the field is displayed in reference to the other fields in the section
    3. Unique Name
      1. This is the name of the field as it is stored in the database. It MUST be unique across the entire site. A warning will display if the name is currently used by another field in the site.
      2. This name should be descriptive and typically contain some sort of reference to the name of the application it is in. The table below shows examples of this naming structure
    4. Label
      1. This is the field label that will display to the applicant. This label does not need to be unique
    5. Data Type
      1. Choose a data type from a list of data types in the system
      2. If you need assistance in selecting the data type best suited for the field, contact us at Support@rtvision.com
    6. Required
      1. Choose if the applicant should be forced to fill out this field before submitting
    7. Access Control
      1. Click the two boxes next to "DEFAULT/Author" and "DEFAULT/Employee"
  7. Click "Save & Exit"

Below is a list of commonly used fields for registrations and the data types that work best for those fields.

In this example, the Unique Names are for a moving permit. If you are building a registration for a Utility permit, change "Moving" to "Utility" or something similar.

Field NameUnique NameData TypeAccess Control
Applicant InformationMoving_Registration_ApplicantContact Information: ApplicantAuthor Write, Employee Write
Insurance CompanyMoving_Registration_Insurance_CompanyText (Single)Author Write, Employee Write
Certificate Policy NumberMoving_Registration_Policy_NumberText (Single)Author Write, Employee Write

Insured Amount


Number (or Text (Single) if you want the applicant to include a dollar symbol)

Author Write, Employee Write
Policy Expiration DateMoving_Registration_Expiration_DateDateAuthor Write, Employee Write
Certificate of Insurance UploadMoving_Registration_Certificate_UploadFile Attachment (Multiple)Author Write, Employee Write

Once you have the fields set up, you can now go back and set the expiration date of the registration:

  1. Click "Administration" under the "User" tab
  2. Click "App. Groups" in the "General" Section
  3. Click "Manage" next to the App group that the registration is in
  4. Click "Modify" next to the registration
  5. Click on Step 6: "Activation/Expiration"
  6. In the drop down, select the custom date field that was set up to hold the Insurance expiration date
  7. Click "Save & Exit"

Link the registration to a permit

Once you have a registration built out, you must link that registration to a permit so that the site knows to check for the registration when an applicant fills out a new application.

  1. Click "App. Groups" in the "General" Section
  2. Click "Manage" next to the App group that contains the application you want to connect the registration to
  3. Click "Modify" next to the application you want to add the registration to
  4. Go to the step labeled "Configuration"
  5. Look for the registration configuration on this step as shown below
    1. The available registration types will vary based on your setup
  6. Make a selection in the drop down next to the registration that belongs to the application you are managing
    1. "Warn applicant that registration type is requested for app. type" - The applicant can fill out the permit without having a valid registration (whether non-existent or expired) but they will be notified that the registration is requested
    2. "Prevent app. type until registration type is approved" - The applicant will be unable to fill out the permit without first having a valid registration and will be prompted to fill a new registration out when the existing one expires
  7. Once you have made the selection for the relevant registration, click "Save & Exit"
    1. If the registration is not relevant, leave the drop down option set to the blank option

Additional Setup

To set up approval levels for the registration, follow our guide here: Setting up Approval Levels

To set up notifications, follow our guide for Approval Notifications and Status Notifications

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