How to create fees based on weight:

  1. Start off in your Application Group. Select the App. Group you need the fees field added to. Select 'Manage' next to that App. Group. 

  2. Now select 'Manage' next to the 'App. Type' that needs the fee added to it.


  3. After that, select the 'Rules' near the top of the page. 

  4. Select 'Add' at the top. 

  5. Fill out the Name, Description, and Applies to fields. Then select 'Continue' to move to the next step. 

  6. From here, you can select or create a new action for the Trigger Fees. 

    1. If you have the action already selected, skip to step 9.

  7. To create a new action, select 'Add New Action' and set the action to 'Trigger fee to be forced on the application.' 

  8. Select the fee that should be added. Now add a message, name, and description. 

  9. Save your changes to that rule. 

  10. Once that has been created, select 'Add new condition for this rule.' 

  11. Select the field that has the trigger for the fee. Since it is based on total weight, you will want to select the weight section. 

  12. Choose your comparison method and comparison value. 

  13. Select Save for the Condition. 

  14. Then save all changes!